In order to achieve long lasting and effective change, you will have to change the way you measure yourself.
Mental Toughness is a personality trait which determines, in large part, how people respond to challenge, stress and pressure, irrespective of their circumstances.
MTQ Mental Toughness Measures
Take advantage of the MTQ Plus assessment’s unique high-quality evidenced based psychometric measure that accurately quantifies Mental Toughness in individuals and organizations.
These measures have been developed in collaboration between Professor Peter Clough of Huddersfield University and formerly of Manchester Metropolitan University, and Doug Strycharczyk, Managing Director of AQR International.
The MTQ Plus is the ONLY assessment that measures areas important and critical to self development and improvement
Choose below which measure is fit for your requirements
MTQ Plus Mental Toughness psychometric MEASURE
AQR’s flagship premium mental toughness psychometric measure -online , contemporary , highly valid and reliable, gender neutral , deceptively simple with 13 rich data points .
Purchase for yourself , your clients or your organisation in single units or volume .
MTQ 4C’s Mental Toughness psychometric MEASURE
AQR’s standard mental toughness psychometric measure -online , contemporary , highly valid and reliable, gender neutral , 5 data points usually used in volume based projects .
MTQ Plus
In depth and comprehensive measure of the Mental Toughness Mindset that every person adopts in everything they do.
Become more proficient and qualified in mental toughness in order to effectively teach and coach colleagues and clients.
MTQ -What is Mental Toughness INFORMATION SHEET
Understand what mental toughness is ,why it is important and how you can use it to improve your performance and wellbeing with this FREE download.
MTQ Mental Toughness Electronic Poster
This FREE poster featuring the famous MTQ pizza helps you understand why Mental Toughness is important for your attitude towards stress and pressure , crisis and chaos in each of the eight subscales