How can consultants, managers and practitioners of all types help organisations understand how to develop their resilience to setback to obstacles and be positive in embracing challenge and opportunity?
Culture is often described as the “invisible” personality of on organisation. Difficult to grasp and so important for its success.
Whether an organisation struggles, survives or, ideally, thrives, depends in large part on its capacity deal with the bad stuff and to recognise and grasp the good stuff. Developing a culture for thriving is an essential strategy for all leaders.
This book brings together a team of contributors, each an expert in OD and culture development practice, who share their knowledge and expertise about this area. The book contains a range of examples of approaches that have been shown to work many of which can be readily adopted by the reader. The book introduces the mental toughness concept and measure, amongst the best evidenced concepts which bring a fresh and valuable insight to culture development.
How to Create a Resilient and Positive Culture in the Workplace is a very practical guide for leaders, consultants, facilitators and coaches designed to be used by all irrespective of their experience and background.
“Grounded in research and reality, this illuminating and engaging book will provide an invaluable toolbox to help build more resilient and positive work place cultures.”
Professor Paul McGee, The Sumo Guy.
“This book is packed full of real-world, hard-won and incredibly useful insights on creating resilient and positive cultures within the work place. It offers a competitive advantage for anyone who reads and implements the wisdom within these pages.”
Professor Damian Hughes, Liquid Thinker
“Thanks to using valid and reliable measures, such as the MTQ Family of assessments, the authors bring evidence-based approach to assessing the mental toughness level of a team. Highly recommended read for anyone who wants to learn more about what to do to look after their people and the business at the same time in a world where fast paced change will never cease to exist.”
Katarzyna Kloskowska-Kustosz, Executive coach, psychologist and business consultant